“Delivering Results Effectively to Advance Myself. I D.R.E.A.M. Do You."

Project DREAM
Tinesha Cherry is the founder of Project D.R.E.A.M. The word DREAM is an acronym which stands for (Delivering Results Effectively to Advance Myself). Project D.R.E.A.M. is an organization dedicated to promoting growth, prosperity and greatness in at risk youth. Our goal is to create a ripple effect to break the cycle of poverty by helping those who come from economically depressed areas obtain the vision, inspiration, resources, and the specific strategies needed to attain positive life goals.
Project DREAM focuses on transformational thinking, personal development and economic growth to help build the self-esteem and self-worth of at risk youth. By expanding their outlook on life through education, leadership and direction, Project DREAM hopes to encourage and empower at risk youth to make positive choices to enhance their own quality of life ow and into the future.
Project DREAM supports outreach programs wholeheartedly and looks to develop partnerships with organizations that are innovative, visionary, and forward thinking in their approach to empower underserved youth.

DREAM Girls is the youth program branched from She Strong International, dedicated to promoting growth and prosperity in adolescent girls and young women. DREAM Girls was founded on the belief that all girls regardless of age, race, social standing or economic status can achieve greatness. To that end, Tinesha is dedicated to helping girls and young women from all walks of life reach their full potential through support, education, leadership and direction. Tinesha believes that by teaching girls and young women to be courageous, independent and resilient they develop a positive self-image and a stronger sense of self-worth.